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Jesus has taught us patience and love


Turnaround Greetings!

It is my privilege to welcome you to the Winners Chapel Indianapolis, Website; the home of the sent word, the right word and the word in season.
Lawson Udu

W inners' Chapel Indianapolis is a branch of the Living Faith Church Worldwide where Dr. David Oyedepo is the Presiding Bishop.

I am persuaded that your being here today was orchestrated by God and God DOES NOT make mistakes. My prayer is that whether you are just visiting, requesting information or seeking a complete turnaround intervention, your purpose for the visit will not be truncated in Jesus name.

It does not take time for God to change the stories of men as evidenced in scriptures. Romans 9:28. That is why we believe that no matter the time you spend looking around today, your story will change.

Lawson Udu
Resident Pastor

our values

We invite you to worship with us & experience God.

Come to the home of signs and wonders and experience the signs bestowed on men of God.

join us for

Our Encounter Services

Sunday Services:

08:30 & 10:00

Wed. Mid-Week Communion Service:

08:30 & 10:00

Covenant Hour of Prayer:
Mon – Fri:

06:00am – 07:00am


07:00 – 08:00am

Winners Satellite Fellowship (WSF)
Saturday. On ZOOM

Meeting ID: 83047198868

Pass Code: 977772

Online Giving

Text to GIVE (833) 290-1999

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from our heart

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Turnaround greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I believe everyone...
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