Turnaround greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I believe
everyone of us must have had
definite encounters with God through
praise in the course of the month of
September, I pray that each of us
will keep telling the story of our
diverse encounters for life. Amen.
But what is the Holy Ghost saying
for the month of October
Four kinds of Wisdom are recognized
in scriptures, namely, earthly or
natural; sensual or
devilish or diabolical; and the
wisdom from above β Jms.
Obviously, we should expect the
wisdom from above is to be above all
other realms of wisdom β Jn.
Furthermore, we understand from scriptures that, the wisdom from above is all about the application of scriptures in our day to day walk with God β Mat. 7:24-25/ Jms. 1:22-25 This implies that the wisdom from above is:
π Knowing the right way to go from Scriptures and going there β Ecc. 10:10/ Isa. 59:8
π Knowing the right things to do from the Word and doing them β Jhn. 21:5-6/ Luk 6:40
π Knowing the right steps to take and right turns to make from the Word and following suit β Ps. 119:105/ 1 Pet. 2:21/ 2 Tim. 3:16-17
π Godβs word is Godβs wisdom in print β Luk. 11:49/ Isa. 34:16/ 2Tim. 3:15.
Wisdom from above is validated by mighty works, not just mighty words β Psa. 104:24/ Jer. 10:12/ Mat. 13:54. When we embrace the wisdom from above in our day-to-day life, it changes our story supernaturally and delivers to us a crown of glory β Pro. 4:7-8/ Dan. 2:16-19/23-30/46. That is, glory is one of the proofs of divine wisdom at work, as it is written, ββ¦. we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory.β (1 Cor. 2:6-7).
This is what makes the wisdom from above a platform for supernatural enthronement of the redeemed β Pro. 4:7-8/ Pro. 8:15-16. Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of October 2022 is: WISDOM FROM ABOVE ENTHRONES β Gen. 41:38-44.